Many do not recognize the importance of parking. Having adequate parking facilities can reduce traffic, encourage development and generate revenue. However, there is a piece to this puzzle that is often missing which is public outreach and awareness. Cities are discovering that while traffic on the roads continues to get worse business and community development are not growing proportionally. This is a common problem cities of all sizes are experiencing do to the lack of awareness in the community. Often there is more than enough parking but the public is not aware of its location or regulations. While there are websites and smart phone app’s many are inconstant and are not trusted by the public. This leaves even locals in some instances unsure and confused deterring them from making any unfamiliar trips. Los Angeles recently implemented new parking signs that provide both a visual scale with written language indicating clearly the times spaces are available and on any particular day. This enables people to be 100% confident that they will not be ticketed or towed. Many cities are also providing either an online map or physical maps throughout the area depicting lot locations with general time and space information. Making the community aware of parking facilities and regulations is crucial. Communities that have ample and well-advertised parking generate more pedestrian activity, which leads to more revenue and gives the city the ability to further invest in the public infrastructure. Outreach goes a long way in creating awareness. Read more here: