Soon your MTA monthly pass may be worth a lot more. New York City and several other Mega cities around the globe are contemplating a new system that will in essence expand city limits. Imagine if your monthly pass was no longer limited to a singular route but allowed you to apply a standard fair to every trip you take. For a single monthly fee transit users would pay the same price for any trip inside the designated zone. This would alleviate two things. First more commuters that live further away from their destination say in Rockland County or Long Island would ride the more direct and currently more expensive services such as NJ Transit and the LIRR which would decrease subway congestion. This fare structure system would make longer trips more affordable increasing the appeal of mass transit to get to destinations such as downtown, the beach or upstate, while decreasing congestion on local routes during peak hours.
While many suburbs remain automobile-dependent, community participation on transit planning will go a long way to broaden transportation options and access.
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